The Porter Process©

This easy to use, research based process is designed to provide parents with information and advice on how to increase their child’s ability to learn.


My teaching career, specialized training and personal research led to the understanding that parents can make a difference in their child’s ability to learn. Parents want to help children succeed in school but don’t know how.

The way they can support their child’s success, and work with the school, is by ‘setting the scene for learning’, giving children the ability to benefit fully from their schooling.

Setting the scene for learning means ensuring children have foundational learning skills and understand how to make sense of the way they are taught.

When parents have an understanding of their child’s unique learning strengths and weaknesses they can use their child’s learning strengths (preferred learning style) to overcome learning weaknesses (poorly developed skills) – thus setting the scene for success.

Rather than guess what support their child needs – and waste valuable time and money – The Porter Process© provides parents with an effective, research based way to diagnose their child’s learning strengths and weaknesses and provides strategies that help them make a difference to their child’s ability to learn.

There are 3 steps to the Porter Process©


… to take the stress out of helping your child succeed in school

… to set the scene for learning

… to stop guessing how to support your child’s learning  and start discovering your child’s learning strengths and weaknesses so that you can use his or her strengths to overcome weaknesses and increase your child’s ability to learn


…your child’s learning strengths and weaknesses

When parents discover their child’s learning strengths and weaknesses they can use learning strengths to overcome weaknesses.

The Learning Skill Assessment©

Children need specific skills to maximize their learning.   This assessment diagnoses which of these 12 foundational learning skills are underdeveloped and in need of strengthening.

Preferred learning style Assessment©

A child’s preferred learning style is an indicator of their learning strengths.  Using learning strengths to overcome learning skill weaknesses is a fast and efficient way to increase a child’s learning ability.


…support that makes a difference.

The information gathered in the first two steps allow parents to choose from specific strategies that lead to learning and to school success.

These strategies are proven, practical, meet the child’s specific needs and are easy to use.